Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to the 48222

So I was on Facebook or Twitter about two weeks ago when I saw somebody post a link to this awesome blog post that had some really cool facts about my beloved city. One of these interesting facts that I had never heard before was that Detroit has a floating post office (the only one in the US from what I have gained). It was believed that Venice had the only one, oh but this is Detroit, a city of innovation and originality. I found this to be dope as hell, so what did I do? Simple, I looked that shit up on the internet. I'm big into history (of things that I care about) so here's some info:

  • The vessel is called the J.W. Westcott II
  • The J.W. Wescott company is headquartered under the Ambassador Bridge
  • It became an official US post office in 1895
  • They deliver mail, candy, cigarettes and even pizza (or anything else requested by other ships)
  • The boat meets with vessels mid-river to deliver things in 5 gallon steel buckets
  • There is actually some physics that go into making the exchange
  • During the shipping season the company is on duty 24/7
I know what you're thinking. And yeah, it's really ridiculous yet very cool. That's Detroit for you.

Check out where I pulled this info from and look into this when you get the chance: (that's the original blog post)

Until the next post,

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